29 Nov Fundacio Bofill
29 Nov, 2021

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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Digital Media Literacy
Main thematic area of interest: Digital Media Literacy
Foundation Bofill is a private cultural foundation created in 1969 in Barcelona. They are a think-and-do-tank that promotes research, debates and initiatives to generate educational opportunities and combat social inequalities.
They work in 5 strategic lines:
1- Create EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY based opportunities. Activities outside school for all vulnerable groups.
2- Fight against SCHOOL SEGREGATION.
4- Transform DISADVANTAGED SCHOOLS. Advocate for policy makers to invest more in vulnerable schools and achieve their educational transformation.
5- Create more and better DIGITAL OPPORTUNITIES. Forge alliances to drive digital equity initiatives and promote public policies aimed primarily at the most vulnerable people and groups.
Their added value is to TRANSFER the research and knowledge to PUBLIC POLICY/ ADVOCACY (policy-makers, key public officers, etc), to EDUCATIONAL ACTORS (public and private schools, teachers, professionals, etc) and to COMMUNITY ECOSYSTEM (NGOs, cultural actors, social organisations, libraries, digital actors, etc).