23 Apr 6 May: Launch of the new Manifesto for enhancing Digital Competences across Europe
23 Apr, 2021
The digital transformation and topic of digital skills has never been more visible in EU policy and actions, including the EU’s Digital Strategy, the 2030 Digital Compass, and Digital Education Action Plan. The new ALL DIGITAL Manifesto sets out key principles and recommendations on how to maximise the impact of these actions and includes specific calls to action for the Commission, Member States, and stakeholders.
ALL DIGITAL represents more than 25,000 digital competence centres across the EU, and the Manifesto reflects the needs and perspective of digital skills educators, trainers, and learners. Our hope is that the Manifesto will support dialogue, implementation, and co-operation to deliver Europe’s digital future.
The manifesto includes key principles and recommendations under 5 main areas:
- The education and training offer
- Access to education and training
- Quality of education and training
- A European Approach to Digital Competence
- Sustainability and Development
During the launch event we will introduce the main topics and themes of the Manifesto.
11:00-11:10 Welcome and presentation of ALL DIGITAL. Peter Palvolgyi (ALL DIGITAL)
11:10 – 11:30 Presentation of the new Manifesto. Achilles Kameas (ALL DIGITAL)
11:30 – 11:50 Testimonies from the EU Commission:
– Maria Gkountouma (DG EAC)
– Michael Horgan (DG EMPL)
11:50 – 12:00 Testimonies from the Industry. Angeliki Dedopoulou (Huawei)
12:00 – 12:10 Testimonies from European networks
– Erika Gutmane (CEPIS)
– Andrea Parola (e-Skills Association)
12:10 – 12:25 Testimonies from ALL DIGITAL Members
– Virginia Pareja Vallina (Esplai Spain)
– Gabriela Ford (EOS Romania)
– Stefano Kluzer (ART-ER Italy)
12:25 – 12:30 How to endorse the Manifesto? Ekaterina Clifford (ALL DIGITAL)