20 Jun ART-ER
20 Jun, 2014

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ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory-Emilia-Romagna, is a joint stock consortium based in Bologna (Northern Italy). It was born from the merger in May 2019 of two long-established regional government’s agencies: ASTER (research and technology) and ERVET (regional development). Previously, ERVET carried out activities, projects and services on request of regional government departments, in coordination with provincial and municipal authorities, to promote a territorially balanced and socio-economically and environmentally sustainable development of Emilia Romagna.
Today, ART-ER’s mission it to foster the region’s sustainable growth by developing innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internationalisation of the regional economic system.
For many years, ART-ER contributed to the strategic planning and international networking (in 2014 ERVET became ALL DIGITAL member) of Pane e Internet, the main digital literacy and inclusion project funded since 2009 by the Emilia-Romagna regional government (RER). ART-ER also created and has been managing for over 15 years a monitoring system of the deployment and take up of local e-government services.
With the launch of the regional digital agenda ADER, ART-ER took charge of the Competences axis (Pane e Internet is part of it) and contributed to the Memorandum of Understanding between RER and the Italian Ministry of Education, signed in June 2016 in the framework of the “National Digital School Plan”. The MoU commits RER to facilitating the diffusion of digital innovation in all schools, including those in peripheral areas, and to developing educational measures to fight gender stereotypes and the ensuing gaps in digital education and STEAM disciplines. All the activities born from the MoU are carried out in close collaboration with the regional school office (USR) of the Ministry, in particular with USR Emilia-Romagna Servizio Marconi, based in Bologna, which has a significant expertise in digital education. This allows ART-ER to include in its activities also awareness and training activities for the teachers of the schools involved.
To translate the MoU goals into practice, ART-ER carried out between 2017 and 2019:
- technical labs targeting female students from first-level secondary schools (about 160 attended) at the annual Festival of technical culture of Bologna Metropolitan City. Topics addressed: arts and technology, 3D modelling, Scratch, “social photowalk” with digital storytelling about organic wine production, cycling mechanics and sustainable mobility;
- practical labs on open data in collaboration with Golinelli Foundation, for second-level secondary school students (about 200 attended). Topics addressed: public ethics, fake news, Italian cultural heritage, territory and environment, gender discrimination.
In April 2019, ART-ER launched La Carovana STEM project (funded by the European Social Fund) with the aim to enrich and extend throughout the region the above experiences, and try innovative approaches, such as residential STEM Summer camps. Besides USR Emilia-Romagna, in these activities ART-ER collaborates with the staff of several FabLabs and other organisations offering non-formal digital education across Emilia Romagna.
Together with Pane e Internet, ERVET ran in 2014-2017 the Erasmus+ project Digital Generation Gap in Migrant and Low educated Families (DGGMLF), coordinated by Mira Media (Utrecht, Netherlands), and other digital-related activities for the migrant population. Since 2018, ERVET continued as associate partner of the new Erasmus+ project Community Libraries and digital literacy skills for migrant and low-educated families children (COLIBLITE) project, also coordinated by Mira Media. Finally, ART-ER is associate partner of the Erasmus+ project Digital Competence Development System (DCDS) coordinated by ALL DIGITAL.
Name: Rita Trombini
Position: Head of Knowledge society, Labour, and Welfare Unit