24 Sep ECCC Foundation
24 Sep, 2017

Joined us in:
Main thematic area of expertise: Basic digital skills
Main thematic area of interest: Employability
The ECCC Foundation aims at building a digital society for all citizens. Our goal is to provide up-to-date digital curricula that fit the needs of the fast-changing world. Our NGO realizes its goals by promoting and disseminating the ICT knowledge and key competences, boosting ICT education, learning and supporting local initiatives and activities through co-operation and exchange of good practices with national and European organizations of similar profile, as well as constant development and implementation of the European Computer Competence Certificate (ECCC).
We are an NGO developing digital skills curricula, working closely with the Joint Research Centre on the DigComp frameworks. We are also an active member of the Digital Jobs and Skills Coalition.
More information about us available in the link below and on the ECCC website, as well as on the website dedicated to DigComp