20 Jun Dedalo Foundation for the Development of the Information Society
20 Jun, 2014

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Digital competence centres:
Dedalo Foundation for the Development of the Information Society is a non-profit organization in the South of Navarra’s region in Spain. The Tudela’s town council, the Government of Navarre through its Departments of Information Society, Education and Local Administration, and two more entities are involved in its patronage: Consorcio EDER (Local Development Agency) and ATANA (IT Business Association).
The mission of Dedalo Foundation is to promote and develop the Information Society in Navarra. To achieve this objective the Foundation is managing 11 digital competences centres and is promoting the organization of activities among citizens, companies, promoters and organizations.
The entity has developed more than 30 projects related to improve the use of ICTs through innovative technologies, classroom-based learning and online learning, Social Media and web 2.0, sensibilization in the secure use of Technologies and Social Networks, entrepreneurship and Industry 4.0. Dedalo has also a huge expertise in the management and coordination of European projects.
One area of specialization of Dedalo is the promotion of IT training, with more than 15 years of experience promoting basic and advanced digital competences in the use of Technologies and the Internet. The work developed by the entity includes 3.250 training activities, 27.500 teaching hours and a total of 55.500 attendees.
Another key activity is to become a strategic tool for SMEs and entrepreneurs. Dedalo offers advice services giving support to the company managers in order to think on their IT infrastructure as a key factor inside the company’s chain of value, helping them to identify needs and finding solutions to solve critical points. In a second step, it tries to support SME’s managers in the implementation of ICT solutions. Dedalo plays the role of an external expert in which they can rely on, giving them advice along the process.