18 Jun CyLDigital
18 Jun, 2020

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Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Basic Digital Skills
Main thematic area of interest: Basic Digital Skills
CYLDigital is a formally established network of digital competence centes in Castilla y Léon (Spain), run by the regional government of Castilla y León.
CYLDigital’s objective is the digital transformation of the citizens of Castilla y León, dealing with raising awareness, training and certification on digital competences. They offer in-person training and also a wide range of online training (MOOCs, webinars, etc.) on digital competences. Furthermore, CYLDigital runs the digital competence certification in Castilla y León, and examinations can be carried out in CYLDigital centers and other satellite centers. They foster collaboration with other private and public partners.
As a public body, CYLDigital is a permanent network of centres established in 2009, where more than 30 e-facilitators work, helping nearly 90,000 people in Castilla y León. Since the start, CYLDigital has taught more than 13,000 in-person courses and 1,700 online courses and certified 1,000 people in digital competences following the DigComp framework.
Name: Jose-Antonio González-Martínez
Position: Head of the Information Society Service