02 Mar CARDET – Center for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology
02 Mar, 2022

Joined us in:
Digital competence centres:
Main thematic area of expertise: Stem awareness raising and training
Main thematic area of interest: Employability
CARDET is the leading research and development centre in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in education, digital skills, digital transformation, and capacity building. As the largest independent non-profit centre based in Cyprus, CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. Our team, in partnership with EAEA, has recently developed the lifelong learning strategy 2021-2027 for Cyprus, engaging several ministries, government agencies, social partners, and public and private stakeholders. CARDET is a formal member of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and the ambassador and the focal point for EPALE in Cyprus. In partnership with the NGO SC and the Ministry of Education, we are the coordinators in Cyprus for Global Education.