14 Mar Bruxelles Formation
14 Mar, 2018

Joined us in:
Main thematic area of expertise: Employability
Main thematic area of interest: Basic Digital Skills
Bruxelles Formation is the French-speaking public service for the professional training of the people of Brussels.
More than 200 training are organized in our different training Center (In fields of activity such as administrative, language, logistic skills, and so on).
Among its missions, Bruxelles Formation wish to improve the ICT qualifications of the Brussels’s citizen. To reach that purpose, Bruxelles Formation relies on classic training digital cursus, organized internally or by its partners, and on its e-learning catalog organized by its own telecenter (BF espaces numériques).
Through that service, several projects are brought: expand the e-learning catalogue, provide an offer of online certification regarding to the Digcomp framework, build a network of telecenter in Brussels.