20 Jun Open the Windows
20 Jun, 2014
Posted at 15:52h
in Members

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Open the Windows (OtW) is the only organization in Macedonia that promotes assistive technology “in order to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities”. OtW was established in 2005 and is based in Skopje. Its work is based on two pillars:
- On one hand, as a community-based service provider, OtW supports the personal development of children and adults with various disabilities by enabling access to computers, internet and assistive technology. The individualized support ranges from improving one’s cognitive functions, communication and/or socialization, to accommodating users’ educational or employment needs. The organization has served over 140 persons since its establishment.
- On the other hand, within its projects, OtW promotes assistive technology through capacity building, awareness raising, research, and information and knowledge dissemination. Since 2010, the organization has particularly been active in mainstream education, introducing assistive technology use in app. 10% of all primary and several secondary schools in the country.