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Achilles Kameas

03 Aug, 2023

Dr.Eng. Achilles D. Kameas is Professor of Pervasive and Mobile Systems with Hellenic Open University (HOU), Deputy Dean of the HOU School of Science & Technology, Head of DAISSy Research Group, Scientific Coordinator of Research Unit 3 at Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” and member of the ESCO Group of experts, the CEN PC428 on e-competences and ICT Professionalism, the CEPIS IT Professionalism in Europe, the EADTU Course & Curriculum pool of experts, the ELOT Standardization Committee on Smart Cities and the CEDEFOP Community of VET practitioners (WG on integration of migrants). He has contributed to e-CF 3.0, DigComp 2.1, ESCO on ICT and ISO 37101.

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