19 Jan ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY: Participate in our questionnaire about future training offers on AI and IoT!
19 Jan, 2023

The ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY (ADA) is an Erasmus+ project that aims to upskill adult educators and trainers on key emerging digital technologies. It will also support the educators and their organisations in developing new training activities and programs for adult learners on these topics to facilitate digital and social inclusion across Europe.
The ADA project is currently developing two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) that aim to:
• enhance adult educators’ knowledge and understanding of these technologies and related issues, such as data literacy, privacy, and protection (with reference to the DigComp 2.2 examples, especially on AI);
• help adult educators and trainers learn about effective teaching methods on these topics towards different target groups.
We invite our stakeholders to have a say in the development of the MOOCs: Your ideas and expertise will help the ADA project partners to develop a training offer that meets the expectations and needs of educators and trainers, as well as of their future adult learners.
Please register to the ADA platform and answer our questionnaire.
By registering to the ADA platform, you also will be able to:
- access the Open Educational Resources (OERs) selected, used, and created by the project;
- contribute to testing self-assessment tools and training content for educators and the “training readiness” toolkit for organisations;
- later on, attend the ADA MOOCs training and be awarded competence badges linked to DigComp competences and proficiency levels;
- join capacity-building webinars, and benefit from other project results.
ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY (ADA) is run by ALL DIGITAL in partnership with Hellenic Open University and Università di Napoli Federico II.