Workshop Day/ Wednesday 28th September
ROOM 1 – High level digital skills for adult workshops (1st floor)
- Women for IT (funded by the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment) (13:00-14:00)
Women4IT addresses the structural transformation of the labor market due to the growing digital society in which there are significantly less women than men. The project aims to empower young women across Europe to become part of the digital economy. Project partners have worked to equip women with a set of in-demand digital competencies and employability guidance. During the workshop participants will be introduced with the tools and methodologies developed within the project, provided with an insight of the impact assessment and the importance of employer involvement in young women development.
- Māra Jākobsone – VP, Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association, Project manager of the Women4IT project
- Andrada Beloia – Project Manager, Fundatia EOS – Educating for an Open Society
- Gabriela Ford – Director, EOS Romania Foundation
- Laurentiu Bunescu – Head of Digital Education Programmes, Fundatia EOS – Educating for an Open Society
- Vita Vitola-Lapiņa – Project specialist, LIKTA
- Andra Krasavina – Project specialist, LIKTA
- Katarzyna Udała – Project Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
- High level expert panel (14:15-15:00)
- Digital skills help citizens navigate the increasingly digitalising world in almost all spheres of life and are a must for workers and job seekers aspiring for future-proof careers. They are at the core of the European digital strategy, with the ambition of training at least 20 million ICT experts by 2030. Yet, the struggle to close the digital skills gap in the EU continues. What can then be done at the national and local levels to empower Europeans and equip them with relevant digital competencies? Are there any complementary skills also needed to enhance employability prospects? During the panel, our guests representing the public, private and NGO sectors will share their strategies and best practices implemented in the effort to boost high-level digital and entrepreneurial skills across Europe.
- Josef Dašek – Coordinator, Czech Republic National Coalition
- Antonin Vacek, Project Developer, CZECH.UP
- Māra Jākobsone – Vice President, LIKTA
- Laurentiu Bunescu – Head of Digital Education Programmes, Fundatia EOS
- Katarzyna Udała – Project Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
- GameBox (Erasmus+ adult education through AI) multiplier event (15:00-17:30)
- During the workshop we will present and have participants try out the innovative Business GameBox educational program, which uses artificial intelligence to engage and lead participants. GameBox focuses on financial literacy development by developing a game, which is offered to those facing a potential disadvantage on the job market. We will also present related methodology supporting development in topics in the field of entrepreneurship.
- Antonin Vacek, Project Developer, CZECH.UP
- Katerina Moreira, Project Manager, EPMA
- Michal Remiáš, Founder, PONK
ROOM 2 Workshops (next to cafeteria)
- EQUALS-EU – Focus Group workshop (13:00-14:00)
- EQUALS-EU is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation funded project responding to the need of highlighting and supporting gender-inclusive actions. The project gathers stakeholders from education, IT, ICT and digital fields to map policies and awareness across Europe on gender equity specially within STEM topics.As part of the mapping, the focus group aims at understanding the national scenario from 5 target countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Malta, Romania. Participants coming from these countries are invited to join the discussion on few cardinal points to contribute to understanding the national policies and laws within gender equity and which actions could be taken to foster a more equal professional environment. The outcomes of the focus group will merge to the European mapping results and will contribute to the next actions partners will take to advocate for a more equal Europe.ALL DIGITAL team member Claudia Matera, Chief Development Officer, will introduce and facilitate he discussion.
- AMeLiE (Erasmus+ Strategic partnership) multiplier event (14:15-17:30)
- In this workshop, we will discuss what is online hate speech and will share different tools and approaches for addressing it. We will learn more about the Manifesto on non-hostile communication and its ten principles. We will learn how to organise a Kind Speech Day campaign and hear from teacher who already did it.
- Pablo Maldonado,Ph.D. – Analytics consultant and lecturer
- Chiara Borsini, Project manager and trainer, EGInA
- Eleni Georgakakou, Project Μanager and Researcher, DAISSy Research Group, HOU
- Konstantinos Potsis, Project Manager, DAISSy Research Group,HOU
- Laura Hänsch, Project Coordinator, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
- Gabriela Ruseva, Project Officer ALL DIGITAL
ROOM 3 Workshops (ground floor)
- VPN – Empowering young people in digital entrepreneurial projects (13.00-14.00)
The goal of the VPN project is creating a set of digital guides and materials aimed at supporting young people in developing their own digital projects and activities. These materials forming together a one-stop-shop support youth by enabling them to develop their business ideas online and thus supporting their entrepreneurial spirit and ambition. During this interactive workshop participants will become active agents in co-creating this one-stop-shop. They will have a chance to include their own ideas, experiences and inputs in the planned final product for European youth.
- Katerina Moreira, Project Manager, EPMA
- AGILE2Learn (Erasmus+ VET for teachers) multiplier event (14.15-17.30)
Agile2Learn introduces Agile Project Based Learning into secondary education as a new enhanced educational approach to promote the development of key transversal competencies needed in the 21st century. Participants will get to know our novel training course and innovative educational content aimed at upskilling educators and reinforcing their relevant skills and competences leading them to become agile educators. New paths of learning cannot be explored without new paths of teaching. Using agile methods in teaching has the immense possibility of making learners more flexible, dynamic, self-organized and team-oriented, if done right. During this workshop participants will not only hear about what we are creating in Agile2Learn, they will also be able to get actively involved in live-action agile methodology experiencing agility first-hand.
- Dr. Eng. Achilles D. Kameas, Professor of Pervasive Computing Systems, Hellenic Open University (HOU)
- Dr. Panos Fitsilis, Full Professor, Business Administration Dept. , University of Thessaly (Greece)
- Maximilian Plag, Educator and project manager, Helliwood
- Zuzana Krejčová, Funding and project manager, EPMA
- Katrin Schuberth, Project manager, Helliwood
- Vaclav Jachim, Vysocina Region representative
Networking apero for workshop participants (100 participants)
Informal networking dinner
Day 1/ Thursday 29th September
Shaping Digital Transformation at European level
Opening remarks
- Altheo Valentini, President of ALL DIGITAL
- Iva Walterova, CEO of European Projects & Management Agency (EPMA)
- Jan Břížďala, Regional Councilor, Vysocina Region
Plenary keynote session 1 – European Commission

Georgi Dimitrov
Head of Unit, Digital Education
DG EAC, European Commission
Keynote session 2 – Czech Government
Ivan Bartoš
Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development (Czech Government)
Keynote session 3 – Stakeholders
Vania Neto
Lead Western Europe
Microsoft Education Skills & Learning
Press Conference
- Ivan Bartos, Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development (Czech Government)
- Altheo Valentini, ALL DIGITAL President
- Iva Walterová , CEO, EPMA
- Zdeněk Hřib, Mayor, Prague
- Hana Hajnová, 1st Deputy President of the Vysočina Region
- Jiří Jaroš, Member of the Council for digitalization, Zlin Region
- Pavel Bulíček, 1st Deputy President, Královehradecký Region
Policy Discussion on Digital Transformation
In light of the overall Summit narrative and the current rapid progress of the initiatives under the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP), the policy discussion aims to bring together representatives from the European institutions, the private and the third sector. The on-going European Year of Youth is an important backdrop for the discussion alongside the recently adopted Council Recommendations on Individual Learning Accounts and on Micro-credentials, as well as the planned Council Recommendations on the provision of digital skills in education and training. Other initiatives also contribute to shaping the DIGITAL transition for ALL, like the New European Bauhaus and initiatives regarding policies around and the building of Digital Coalitions.
- Julie Fionda, Deputy HoU Adult Skills Agenda, European Commission, DG EMPL
- Martin Úlovec, Member of the Cabinet, Ministry for Education, Youth and Sports
- Anja Fortuna, Vice-President, European Youth Forum
- Ciaran Conlon, Director of Public Affairs EGA & Ireland, Microsoft
Ukrainian crisis: how digital skills can help integration?
During the sessions key best practices from the ALL DIGITAL network will be presented. The main aim will be to incorporate the already gained experience and draft few recommendations for how digital skills can help integration of Ukrainian asylum seekers and refugees within the European countries that are welcoming them.
- Dr Katarzyna Urban, Director for science and research ECCC Foundation (Poland)
- Jānis Ziediņš, Deputy director for ICT, Culture information systems centre of Latvia
- Michaela Doležalová, Project Manager of educational programme JSNS.CZ, People in Need
A European Digital Skills Certificate – Launch of a feasibility study
- Clara Centeno, Senior Researcher, Human Capital and Employment Unit, JRC, European Commission
- Koen Nomden , Team Leader, DG EMPL, European Commission
Group picture at the end of the morning session! JOIN US!
Four parallel panel workshops:
- Innovation track (Main Room): Shaping Digital Transformation on the ground: how digital transformation is implemented in Europe (ALL DIGITAL members)
- Gabriela Ford, Director, EOS Romania
- Mara Jakobsone, Vice President, LIKTA
- Stefano Tirati,CEO, Learning Digital
- Nikolai Kvantaliani – Chief Technology Officer /co-founder, MTÜ Baltic Internet Policy Initiative
- Gerhard Seiler, Responsible for strategy and acquistion, iRights.Lab
- Veronique De Leener, Founder and Director, Maks vzw
- Education track (Room 1 – 1st floor): Information and knowledge-building, acceleration of best practices and online communities for supporting digital education (Digital Education Hub, ALL DIGITAL Academy and European Digital Skills Certificate)
- Dagmar Willems, Senior Desk Officer Digitisation, DAAD
- Claudia Matera, Chief Development Officer, ALL DIGITAL
- Clara Centeno, Senior Researcher, Human Capital and Employment Unit, JRC, European Commission
- Koen Nomden , Team Leader, DG EMPL, European Commission
- Youth track (Room 2 – next to Cafeteria): Training teachers and representatives of school communities on advanced media literacy skills and the issue of online hate-speech (AMeLiE project)
- Lara Fina Ferrari – English teacher and trainer, IC Vergante – Invorio, Italy
- Gabriela Ruseva, Project Officer, ALL DIGITAL
- Chiara Borsini, Project Manager, EGInA
- Culture track (Room 3 – ground floor) : “BIBLIO & National Library of the Czech Republic present: BIBLIO work based learning and the Digitisation Activities of the National Library of the Czech Republic”. In this workshop, we will hear about the BIBLIO project and how learners have been impacted by the work-based learning as well as from the General Director of the Czech National Library, Tomáš Foltýn, on their digitalization and e-activities.
- Tiana Zignani, Programme Officer, Public Libraries 2030
- Tomáš Foltýn, General Director, Czech National Library
- Elisabetta Mei, Project Manager, EGiNA
- Denitsa Dimitrova, Assistant Professor, UNIBIT, Sofia
ALL DIGITAL Highlights
- ACTION project: Promoting active citizenship through civic education and active e-participation of youth role models from socially disadvantaged groups
- Gabriela Ruseva – Project Officer, ALL DIGITAL
- AMeLiE project: Training teachers and representatives of school communities on advanced media literacy skills and the issue of online hate-speech
- Chiara Borsini – Project Manager and Consultant, EGInA
- ALL DIGITAL Academy project: Building an academy on digital emerging technologies to enhance digital skills with thematic Community of Practices, MOOCs, Capacity Building activities and other educational activities and collection of resources for educators and trainers.
- Peter Palvolgyi – CEO, ALL DIGITAL
- CRAL project: Improving media literacy and critical thinking among young people by scaling up a good practice “Creative audiovisual writing and reading” and preparing educators on reinterpreting and producing audiovisual contents
- Gabriela Ruseva – Project Officer, ALL DIGITAL
- EntreComp Synergies project: Exploring and developing synergies between the EntreComp and the DigComp frameworks through a Community of Practice, events and awards recognitions
- Norman Rohner – Policy Officer, ALL DIGITAL (TBC)
- EQUALS-EU project: Establishing an EU Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age aimed at building capacity in gender-inclusive innovation in Europe and partner countries worldwide
- Claudia Matera – Chief Development Officer and Deputy CEO, ALL DIGITAL
- RAYUELA project: Empowering and educating young people to a more conscious and aware use of the Internet through gaming, in a preventive and mitigating action to reduce cybercriminal behaviour
- Claudia Matera – Chief Development Officer and Deputy CEO, ALL DIGITAL
- TRANSVAL-EU project: Presenting one of the largest European policy experiments on validation of transversal skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning
- Gabriela Ruseva – Project Officer, ALL DIGITAL
Networking session
- Lightning talks (4-5 projects): ALL DIGITAL members present their project activities
- Marketplace
- New ideas: open space for participants
Gala dinner
- 19:30 – 20:00 Get together
- 20:00 – 20:30 ALL DIGITAL Awards ceremony
- 20:30 – 21.30 Dinner (light DJ set)
- 21:30 – 00:00 DJ set
Day 2/ Friday 30th September
Driving Digital Transformation at local, regional and trans-regional level
Opening and keynote session
Zdeněk Hřib
Mayor of Prague

Arnošt Štěpánek
Vice President for Education, Kralovehradecky region
Stakeholder panel discussion
Local stakeholders and supporters from Central European region, their bottom-up approach to digitalization in reaction to digital education policies.
- Pavel Bednařík, Representing NIPOS and ASFAV (Association for film and audiovidual education)
- Martina Habová, Marketing Lead, Česko.Digital
- Tamas Janko, Digital Skills Expert, freelance
- Stanislav Chlepko, CEO & Founder NEXINEO
- Tomáš Hülle- Founder of the European Centre for Career Education
- Kristina Sedeke – Head of Marketing, Czechitas
- Daniela Camhy, Ph.D – Professor, Institute of Philosophy at University of Graz, Coordinator of the network “Philosophy and Interdisciplinarity” in CEEPUS
Parallel workshops
- Innovation track (Main Room): Shaping digital transformation at regional level in Central Europe
- Petr Pavlinec, Head of the Department of Informatics, Regional Authority of Vysocina Region
- Štěpán Fojtík, Analyst, Královehradecký Region
- Peter Breyl, CEO, Innovation Centre of the Košice Region
- Jaromír Beránek, Member of the Prague City Assembly
- Tomáš Janča, Member of the Zlinsky Region Assembly
- Mr Sandor Nagy, Deputy Mayor of the City of Szeged, Hungary
- Education track (Room 1 – 1st floor) – Combat Disinformation with Digital Literacy: Advance view of EU Guidelines and practical support for teachers
In this interactive workshop, participants will be given an early glance of experts’ thinking behind soon-to-be published European Union Guidelines on the use of Digital Literacy in the fight against disinformation. The guidelines are intended as a practical guide for educators across subject areas and educational sectors. They aim to provide practical guidance for planning and teaching across a variety of educational settings.
Lie Detectors and All Digital will share the emerging expert consensus on the guidelines and on their recommendations. Participants will work in groups to identify and share hurdles and opportunities in fighting disinformation in an educational setting, and the role that EU guidelines and structures can and must play in this process.
Participants will receive a variety of materials and resources for reference and classroom work.
- Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck, Founder and CEO, Lie Detectors
- Adeline Brion, Communications and Advocacy Coordinator, Lie Detectors
- Vitor Tomé, Inegrated Researcher, ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
- Youth track: Combat Cybercrime with gamification (Room 2 – next to cafeteria) (roundtable – workshop for educators). RAYUELA is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at understanding risks and threats for young people within the digital environment and empowering them by raising awareness of current cybercrimes they might face in their everyday life. The workshop is dedicated to educators and teachers of young audiences, especially from 11 to 16 years old, to share with them the RAYUELA videogame developed for the young targets to support them in understanding cybercrimes and invite them in taking part at the project itself. Additionally, participants will be engaged in a group discussion regarding tools, resources and approaches to support young audiences in facing cybercrimes and in actively mapping their strategies and approaches in supporting their young audiences dealing with the topic. The workshop will be facilitated by Claudia Matera, Chief Development Officer at ALL DIGITAL and partner of RAYUELA project.
- Culture track (Room 3 – ground floor) – The New European Bauhaus is an initiative of the European Commission to foster creativity in different sectors, including the digital ones. Within the ALL DIGITAL Summit scenario, the workshop is aimed at introducing the NEB, discussing and showcasing the combination between the digital transition and NEB topics looking at ways to partnering and foster European policies. A more interactive and practical session is focused on co-designing activities and projects that can be carried out under the umbrella of the NEB supported by ALL DIGITAL and its network.
- Borut Cink, Policy Officer at JRC, NEB, European Commission
- Martin Mraz, Architect, Reclaim Žižkov
- Franck Termer, Head of Software, Bitkom e.V.
- Bart Temme, CEO, Street Art Cities
Networking Session
- Market Place
- Lightning talks
- Open space for participants
Closing remarks
- Iva Walterova, CEO of European Projects & Management Agency (EPMA)
- Vysocina Region representative (TBC)
- Nenja Wolbers, Deputy Chair of ALL DIGITAL
- Peter Palvolgyi, CEO of ALL DIGITAL