I-LINC Webinar: Promotion of sustainable entrepreneurship and the skills for the green economy in young people • ALL DIGITAL
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I-LINC Webinar: Promotion of sustainable entrepreneurship and the skills for the green economy in young people

14 May, 2017

2 June, 14.00-15.00 CET, online webex meeting

The webinar will offer a thematic introduction by two distinguished speakers and will offer 15 minutes of discussion, questions & answers.



  • Dana T. Redford, PhD, Founder & President, Policy Experimentation & Evaluation Platform (PEEP)

Prof. Redford is an internationally recognized expert on entrepreneurship and public policy. He has worked with the US Department of Commerce, the European Commission, the OECD, the UN and various European and African governments. He is the International Coordinator of the largest policy experimentation project on experiential entrepreneurship education in primary and secondary schools in the EU. His newest book, Developing Africa’s Financial Services – The Importance of High-Impact Entrepreneurship has just been published. His previous volume the Entrepreneurial University Handbook (2014) is now available in paperback.

  • Christian Wolf, Entrepreneurship Coordinator & Researcher, Policy Experimentation & Evaluation Platform (PEEP)

Christian Wolf is a PhD Candidate in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at ISCTE-IUL where he currently teacher entrepreneurial finance in the summer school. He earned a Masters in Entrepreneurship from Nova SBE and has worked as a teaching assistant in entrepreneurship at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto and Universidade Nova de Lisboa with Prof. Redford and has worked on various aspects of the HEInnovate.

About the webinar

The areas of Green Skills, Green Economy / Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Skills are not always understood in the same way but they are undeniably essential to everyone who will be on the labor market in the future.

Green Skills relate to the “knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to live, develop and support sustainable and efficient use of resources in society” (CEDEFOP, 2012).

Green Economy / Sustainable Entrepreneurship is based on the principle of the Circular Economy that aims to transform the economy as a whole, creating new markets that respond to changes in consumption patterns (use, reuse and sharing products). [source]

This webinar will discuss these new areas through the pilot project, JEVE – Youth Program for Green Entrepreneurship and Employability, which was sponsored by EEA Grants in Portugal, and through the Youth Start Entrepreneurial Challenges policy experimentation project, which is sponsored by the European Commission.

The mission of JEVE was to promote the employability and social inclusion of young people through the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and skills and the Green Economy. JEVE was an experimental non-formal education project targeting young people between ages 18 to 30 with at least secondary school educational background (From among the 592 youth, 76% had undergraduate degrees), unemployed or in transition to the labor market.

JEVE project Outputs: JEVE has an e-learning platform offering 25 hours of online training that participants do at their own pace, learning from videos, articles, written content as well as participatory exercises and online forums to promote green entrepreneurship and employability among Portuguese young people.

The mission of the Youth Start Entrepreneurial Challenge Project is to support evidence-based public policy in entrepreneurship education through the largest European project ever in entrepreneurship education promoting practical experiential learning programs at primary and secondary schools in Europe. It provides an experiential, self-directed learning program that is embedded in the existing curriculum and is currently being implemented in Austria, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Portugal and Slovenia.

Youth Start Project Outputs: The Youth Start Program applies a randomized control trial methodology utilizing a quasi-experimental protocol with an ex-ante and ex-post approach in three stages to provide evidence to inform policymaking in entrepreneurship education in Europe. The project works with over 6,000 primary students, 600 teachers in more than 150 schools and over 10,000 students, 850 teachers in 100 secondary schools.